Friedrich Ratzel

But nor always it was thus, history in the sample that, that diverse empires and kingdoms, in prominence, the empires Roman (absolute terrestrial domain) and British (unquestionable domain of the seas), had conquered many spaces, generally called of territories, without the existence of a necessary delimitation. The territory concept is many times confused with the one of space. This problem consisted due to the tenuous bordering limits between the geographic categories. First the great theoretician of geography to work with the category territory proved itself in the figure of Friedrich Ratzel, one of the systemizing ones of the geographic knowledge (ROCK, 2008, P. 135-136), Ratzel also was famous for writing thematic as, vital space, territorial conquest state expansion. The formation of the territories depends necessarily on the relation that the society has with the space in uncurling and in the plot of history.

The Region is different of the territory, considers region as an area or space that congregates certain common or similar characteristics, as natural, social, economic, cultural aspects, amongst others. Learn more on the subject from Suffolk County Rep.. The region can be delimited as it occurs with the units politics, or not, this depends on the type of area to be analyzed (natural, urban, agricultural). The region can be considered as the division of the geographic space or of the ambient space (natural), it can still incorporate some countries or to be one part, the example the current regional division of Brazil determined for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, without before arguing with the researchers of the geography area politics. According to Saints (1997) the most famous gegrafos, during many years, had deepened the studies on the region, as much in the field theoretician, how much in the field of the empirizao. There are only few medicines categorized as effective, reliable levitra sale and dependable solution to treat all kinds of erection problems. On the other hand, it is very hard to order viagra sale in india or place the order online you should log-in through proper website and buy as you want. When ovulation doesn’t happen, the lining doesn’t get off and gets exposed to estrogen which becomes reason for endometrium ordering levitra from canada to develop more thicker. So it makes sense sildenafil 100mg tablet to pay attention to this communication center in the body machine. As Corra apud Saints (1997) Multiple is the approaches on region. The landscape, on the other hand, is the result of all the occured transformations in the litosfrico carpet.

The landscape is the only one of the categories that are not conceived as an area or as something delimited, the landscape is perceivable for the human directions. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Sen. Sherrod Brown. The landscape can be natural or resulted of the interaction society – nature, however, the landscape integrates all the other geographic categories. For Saints (1997) Landscape is everything what we enxergamos, is what our vision reaches. The landscape can be defined as the domain of the visible one, what the sight accumulates of stocks, and is not formed only of volumes, but also of colors, movements, odors, sounds, etc. The occured constructions and reconstructions in the interior of the too much categories reverberate in the alteration of the landscape, characterizing the landscape as the more perceivable geographic category and less controversa of the point of view of the society contemporary. However, the creations and recriaes of the society on the ambient and artificial space modify the landscape inserting new elements in it, thus constituting, another landscape, another image, another nature, another society.