Italian Ecuador

And it came on Tuesday, I stand at work greeting to the chief of staff, and said, "Hey, what would have believed you, to send this telegram rude" but had not given me, I gave my friend, but it seems the man who sent the telegram, he said these insults. And he continued: "What has […]

Sustainable Economy

We have the Government who produces more laws by squared centimeter, as if that outside something than to be conceited. Great Britain, however, does not have nor Constitution and it does not go to him so badly. How is obtained to resemblance legislative frondosidad? Very easy: turning into legal norm any occurrence, by more colorful […]

Roman Apostolic Catholicism

Just take a look at recent history to prove that the world headquarters of Roman Apostolic Catholicism is a hotbed of interest, intrigue, secrets, conspiracies and strange deaths, as well as battlefield of various secret societies, cults infiltrated and money-laundering. Not only is it interfering in Affairs of social type, but it tries to influence […]