City Sun Mountain

The Office, which had assured even the beginning of the school year us the day before, drove a closure strategy which now legal backdoor. But the civil initiative Hasenthal does not give up. We care an inspection of the site with a further Brandschutzverantwortlichen, as well as funds from the municipality and the renovation stairs construction. On the 17.08.2013, parents and community representatives come together and install the new school garden staircase after the latest fire safety regulations. We do not know what answer to give us the school administration office. To deepen your understanding Sen. Sherrod Brown is the source. Who asks, gets strange measures to the answer of what was now the 16 questions that asked the civil initiative Hasenthal the circle day on the 16.06.2013? We would have demanded no end of July answer in writing nothing.

I don’t know the result yet, but the Schweigetaktik hides the problem clearly. Here is to be saved at the expense of already made investments and above all at the expense of an entire region. Our assurances that sponsors want to care, not only to renovate primary school, we make a versatile cultural centre would, fall on deaf ears. It seems like with today’s level of decision is for 15 years, that the school to leave. Those responsible don’t want to explain what today is our question, what will be effective really saved by this Office prank? Anyway the perseverance on the desk is not looking to the future. Satisfactory sensual pleasure cialis price is the basic need that runs a relationship. Healthy men who want on line levitra check out for more to enjoy their sexual life. Ajanta Pharma manufactures Kamagra and are able to generico viagra on line offer the same quality. People are not supposed to sit with the disorder and that he must make it a point to take appropriate medicine that can work order viagra without prescription perfectly for your body. As a member of the citizens initiative Hasenthal I would emphasize at this point: we do not give up in the interest of all the inhabitants of the Oberland community, especially in the interest of our future generations. Light at the end of the tunnel – or is it a train? Meanwhile, we could bring enough helpers on the legs.

Not lack of ideas and even implementation options. Everything stands or falls but if we get approved at all necessary activities. And exactly here district, school Office, and even the municipality set on time: approvals are not granted, but also not denied. Answers are promised but not given. So they must be probably also not honest. Since June 2013 and fought through the assets of the civil initiative Hasenthal more official appointments in the municipal administration, the Mayor himself, when the Mayor of the City Sun Mountain, the District Councillor of the district Sonneberg, with mayors of other municipalities and principals before flagship schools, which were deliberately ruined economical reasons. We feel at the moment as in “Asterix and Obelix”- know that”House, that makes crazy ?. (Source: Wikipedia, item 8) But before we know whether the light is a train or the end of the tunnel, more thing article will document our activities. My personal goal is to give suggestion for effective countermeasures and other vulnerable schools or to prove – publicly – that Germany, specifically South Thuringia, education policy actually finally going. Also I imagine as a taxpayer the question: what happens to my taxes if this Fund isn’t the future of my family and an entire region?