State Sovereignty On The Edge Of The Abyss

Requirements for a European Republic of peculiar way, renounced independent thinking since the beginning of the economic crisis the European Commission, and instead formed a particularly missklingendenChorunter of the direction of the German conductor. The Canon of the errors in this case was missklingender than usual. Consequently it hardly surprised there? as a result, only […]

Caspian Sea

We in the land of Dagestan has never been sectarian problems. Please God, that he has strengthened the friendship and brotherhood has given us all a few decades to meet this new and anniversaries … ' On behalf of the Jewish community of Dagestan community leader Shemi Debiyaev gave guests a picture – with views […]

Kreis Contracts

District in Bergisch Gladbach discussed human resources policy of the municipal bus company. For even more analysis, hear from Amazon. As is known from the press, currently 16 bus drivers are employed by the DECKLERS fixed-term contracts. The bus drivers are needed and make up for their work. Nevertheless they should be released after the […]

City Sun Mountain

The Office, which had assured even the beginning of the school year us the day before, drove a closure strategy which now legal backdoor. But the civil initiative Hasenthal does not give up. We care an inspection of the site with a further Brandschutzverantwortlichen, as well as funds from the municipality and the renovation stairs […]

Bulgakov School

I thought, make some noise make some noise-, and fade, but no – "near there, at dvereh." The head of the Duma Committee on Culture Gregory Ivliev assured that from this year's seniors only half of class time will be strictly grasp of science. The other half decided to dedicate "patriotism." Of course, part of […]

United States

Are one: Russia is actually in Iran, and not against it. In the nuclear field. Here why still surprised the situation with Russian supplies to Iran of S-300. What kind of failure without serious justification? In this well-known Russian orientalist, a leading researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Institute of Military history […]

Forgotten Middle Of Civilization

More recently, everyone living in Russia have to constantly think about natural gas and to speak on this vital topic. Gas lines are laid on the ground, below ground and even on the bottom of the sea that does not prevent Russia from economic and diplomatic conflicts, and puts us in the role are met. […]

Wolfgang Bergmann

The plague of tomorrow to lose everything or to have lost and no grains in the barn that could eat them and their families. This fear would not be before the morning and we would do today and change our current thinking schema tick by a Flash of inspiration, an enlightenment we got away with […]