International Commission

From all this follows the importance of these theories have been learning and many studies have been dedicated. “The second term refers to a completely different stream that supports the existence of underlying structures or bodies of personality. From here on psychology has come a long way and there are many different guidelines and theories that explain the psychological fact. In this paper we focus on those deemed to have a greater say in education. Educating is much more than to instruct, train or inform. Education can not be reduced to the acquisition of conceptual content, but also includes procedural and attitudinal content. Education should be comprehensive, can not be reduced to the development of one aspect of personality, intellectual, but must be educated to the full development of the person, where issues such as emotional, sexual, social, moral have be served. Since we treat the theoretical currents that have wider application, or at least are currently in the field of education, we will define the concepts involved: – The word education has been used sometimes in a very extensive as it is currently under discussion and learning.

It is very difficult for the father or the mother, the teacher or educator, have a clear idea of what the fundamental issue in education and what are side issues to be organized around first. viagra levitra viagra Apart from that, all kinds of health issues also get resolved with these herbal supplements. This browse that drugshop now order generic cialis herb is an outstanding anxiety product. Realizing tadalafil india price the importance of logistics, many online retailers have set up their own companies or are moving in this direction instead of hiring third – party logistics warehouse services and international freight shipping companies. Ed Debevic If you are willing viagra prices to pay. 1. The education would be a teaching and learning process in which not only have a major role the teacher but the learner and the educational context. – Education: deliberate process by which societies seek evolved historically the cultural wealth accumulated so much in terms of values and attitudes that are considered appropriate, as the concepts, theories, theoretical systems and procedures that usually take place in coordinates specific time-space (usually in the schools and especially during childhood, adolescence and youth. Teaching is a systematic and organized to impart knowledge, skills and experience through various means and methods, they may be expository, observational or testing, among others. – Learning: A relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience, can not be explained by a transitional stage of the organism, or trends maturation of innate responses (Stephen B. Klein).

The learning is to acquire knowledge of something, take the memory concepts or properties about these things and be able to recover in the future based on stimuli. In education, although it is the individual learner, learning is a response to stimuli from the external world. Gomez Buendia, refers to education and identifies two important contexts, the institutional context where they transmit the knowledge to which we are accustomed to recognizing and non-institutional context, which plays an important role as the family or group of friends . In order to adopt the right formula on how to guide the activities of education the International Commission on Education for the XXI Century, convened by UNESCO, proposes four main lessons that will be the pillars of education throughout life: Learning to live together, learning to know, learning to do and learning to be.