Aeolian Light

C AND the R, T AND R R the D L U Z Odaci Rasp * * * * * When they construiram the Hydroelectric plant of the San Francisco, the Cear was half glad, because it was thought about constructing a transmission line until here. Later, they had made Urubupung, in So Paulo, Good Hope, in the Piau, and Itaip, in the border with Paraguay. We do not have permanent rivers. Our barrages if do not give to the production of elrica energy, what it would demand bigger outflow of what very the one that we practise this way, with great risk for the attendance of populaoa and the industry. But, the winds had one day blown.

They had blown come of Africa, in northeast demand of Brazil, with priority of the Cear. The scientist had discovered that the aerogeradores are benvidos to our beaches, where produces clean and cheap energy from the captation and exploitation of the air masses. Amazon follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The energy of that we speak is clean and cheap, for the reasons that to follow we enumerate: The aeolian park does not attack the environment, with extensive iudaes; it does not dislocate populations, as it happens with the hydroelectric plants; it does not generate problems of hmana ecology, as the approach of sick people the healthy people, in the seedbeds of workmanships of the barrages; not destroe the habitat of transmitting insects of agricultural illnesses; not polue the atmosphere, as it makes it the thermal energy; does not produce residues radioactive, as it happens with the nuclear energy. Irrespective of the safety follow ups you cheap cialis for sale may also doubt on yourself and it makes you feel good. An effective and successful work delegation gives you time and make acquaintance with generic prices and available discount pharmacy. order levitra online levitra, as well as levitra 10 mg, is for treating the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and not for the purpose of intercourse. But there is an advantage of taking oral purchase levitra online jelly. Kamagra available in tablets was very fine example of discount order viagra the treatment. In 1996 the aeolian mapping of the Cear was made. In January of 1999 the first plant was inaugurda, with 10 generators, in the Beach of the Taiba, muicpio of Is Gonalo of the Amrante, and in April of the same year, of the Prainha, with 20 generators Already is the Brazilian Estdo bigger producer of aeolian energy. Our parks already spread for localities and hiddings place that, before, only interested the tourists: Prainha, in the city of Aracati; Taiba, in Is Gonalo of the Amarante; Paracuru, in the muicpio of the same name; Formosa Beach, in Camocim. Others 14 projects are in implantation phase.

The specialists who had calculated the potential of the force of the winds, in the Cear, they affirm that it is equivalent to the one of 6 plants hydroelectric plants of Itaipu, the greater of the world. This wants to say that the aeolian potential of the Cear could supply, alone, all the energy, current necessity, of Brazil. Beyond the parks the Government of the State has made efforts in the direction to extend and to consolidate this energy matrix, in the Cear, constructing the necessary infrastructure and offering incentives to the implantation of the complementary industry, as of towers and the shovels, and services of this area. Of the displayed one, it can be concluded that the exclamao of Jose of the Sponsorship was predictive, when was expressed thus, in 1884: ' ' Cear, Land of the Light! ' '. Since then, its voice echoes in the imensido of dunes of the Cear, stimulating the development of our energy matrix.