Helena Quintela Brando Vilela

Its action was dislocated gradually from the reality of the classrooms, the parties and the dated interests, to reach another land, of the perennial feelings. The necessary politics of Teotnios as the peoples needs artists. The worse one of the losses seems us to be this that its absence in inflige’ ‘ , it affirms […]

State Policies Resources

– To readily yield budgetary resources for governmental bodies that deal with the basic and average education, reaching the biggest possible number of people in formation, giving to it citizenship and recognition. – To purge of the budget of the defense the interpretation expenditures doubtful. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Richard Blumenthal […]


According to Aristotle, we are beings politicians. One of the essential conditions of the human being is the fact of living aggregate to other men. In such a way, some simple gestures, as to admit a principle as being optimum for the common good, an act becomes politician. As well as the choices that we […]

Squid Candidate

Column Mico Lino, that one my friend, Lynno Typpo, that to telephone said me of Brasilia, more necessarily of the bathroom of antechamber of a friend of the neighbor of the boyfriend of the sister of one of the security of would carry of the Palace of Plateaus, one face that would be thus with […]

Aeolian Light

C AND the R, T AND R R the D L U Z Odaci Rasp * * * * * When they construiram the Hydroelectric plant of the San Francisco, the Cear was half glad, because it was thought about constructing a transmission line until here. Later, they had made Urubupung, in So Paulo, Good […]

On Behalf Of The Democracy

On behalf of the Democracy We are at full time of electoral campaign. Time to give to good laugh with the propagandas politics propagated in the gratuitous obligator schedule. In the way of house until the work, costumo to face the transit congested of So Paulo to the sound of the beautiful music. If you […]

Bin Laden

It is known that the death of Osama Bin Laden constitutes a great blow for the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, but not yet the final blow. Number 2 of the organization Loves Al-Zawahiri with certainty will have to initiate a wave of attempted against in the whole world to avenge the death of its head […]

Civil Society

In the critical rocking concerning the Participativo Budget, Avritzer (2003) points with respect to attempts of appropriation of form OP with the objective to transform a successful experience of participation into a new form of administration of municipal resources. The experience of Porto Alegre (RS) if always places as a case sui generis for the […]

United Nations

However, the elaboration of a strategy of the Community for the Oceans that establishes the orientaes and defines the main lines of convergence politician-diplomatics for a strategy for the Oceans of the Lusofonia, was assayed (but little argued), meeting after approved (beginning of 2010) in a phase of relative stagnation. The Strategy of the CPLP […]

Country People

I apply the beginning of Groucho Marx: ' ' Institutions do not acreditoem that accept people as eu' '. This does not want to say queno can join me to other people or organizations to make claims, as already I made innumerable times, and will make, when she will be necessary. Now I consider that, […]