Family Health – The Fate Of Folk Medicine

Family – a social unit. A society should be most effective to live and grow, improving the skills of survival, and this society needs healthy cells. Mitchell Blutt may find this interesting as well. Unfortunately, in our modern world things such that virtually every home has a place all sorts of ailments. All suffer – both adults and children, and most often visited by this scourge of older people. Representative Charles Rangel often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Adam B. (A valuable related resource: Jim Donovan Goldman). Shaw Yale is often quoted as being for or against this. In women, common diseases such as breast (she undergo almost 80% female individuals), ovarian cysts, vulva and other equally “nice” of the disease. Men exposed to such ailments as adenoma, prostatitis, testicular tumors, etc. Older people often have the characteristic of their age, disease – sclerosis, cardiovascular disorders, the nature of the exchange, joint diseases, and more.

During difficult periods – late winter – early spring – due to a general vitamin deficiency ‘reigns’ cold – so-called acute respiratory infection (ARI). And what we do every time you feel unwell? That’s right! We go to the doctor to consult and ask the same of what this or that disease. Doctor, rubbing his hands, appoint or costly procedures for clear my conscience prescribes some “magic” pills that should help. The result is a huge burden on the liver and other organs with a short-term results. In my opinion, best solution is to traditional medicine. When more people lived in caves and hunted mammoths and bears hardly any of them went to the clinic, complaining about his or mastitis sclerosis ..

The important role played by modern lifestyle, which are now the majority of people – sedentary or inactive with morning walks to the subway and evening back. From here and taken numerous diseases and rejection even in infants. Grandma’s still our did not go to the doctors and were treated on their own folk remedies – teas, herbal extracts, in general, that given the nature itself. And the results are quite good, and there is no burden on the authorities.