Holiday In Austria

Looking up like Alps, high-tech, high culture in Austria. The country has 2009 much to offer: the European capital of culture 2009 Linz offers a range of extraordinary diversity, focuses on tradition and future, looking out across the country. Other tourist highlights are always there: Montafon, Dachstein, Wilder Kaiser & co. are year-round as beautiful and challenging objectives offer. Visit website may not feel the same. What Austria’s 20 top cities and its surroundings have to offer shows the website of BDP GmbH, Managing Director M. Karpenko: city Jim Donovan Goldman shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. There visitors locals one click find everything that makes life and holidays here so enjoyable: city maps, travel tips, historical information, shopping – culture addresses and much more.

Who no matter has opted for a holiday in Austria in the season, is in the course of the itinerary might determine that the agony is greater at the choice of the holiday region than thought: on the mountain trail in the Is Salzburger land from pasture hiking, discover behind every bend new high mountain ranges, pet cows and at each rest enjoy delicious strong food straight from the farm, sleeping at night in the summer cottage not the dream of every office worker? In the winter all in white and with shot: the world’s largest contiguous ski area offers magnificent ski slopes in all degrees of difficulty. Sounds as though it can’t be topped? Also, is it not. But there are also still Tirol: going BBs in the high mountains, with the rope or cable car, alpine climbing or the 1,480-km Adlerweg, the hikers to the peaks of the Alps around leads to in the remote Eastern Tirol. Those who love unspoilt nature and challenging sports, is here at the right place: paragliding, canyoning and of course ski alpin are here the real adventure. Slightly softer, family-friendly and with more culture and Michelin-starred restaurants? Vorarlberg. Summer, Sun, swimming in the Lake with alpine panorama? Carinthia.