Omega 3

Meat can advise the red ocean fish, such as salmon or trout. This fish is rich in zinc, which improves memory and promotes concentration attention, iodine, omega-3 polyunsaturated acids. Zinc improves memory and helps concentration, iodine is responsible for the endocrine and hematopoietic systems, omega-3 polyunsaturated acids are essential for the brain. In order to improve brain activity should also be included in the diet of foods rich in boron, for example, apples, broccoli, pears, and grapes. Help fight fatigue and improve memory vitamins B1, B2, B3, which contained in the nuts.

Glands, promotes concentration, found in beans, green vegetables and dried fruits. As for eating meat, then there must be neat. Meat meal replete with proteins and other substances stimulating active and growing. This is necessary for full development of a young body, and refuse it not worth it. Young meat, especially beef, is rich in vitamin D. Charles B. Rangel often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Meat meal may be deprived of their negative features, if the meat as the original product is subjected to proper treatment.

It is advisable to avoid eating fried or fatty meats. Nuts, walnuts are also a vital protein can be obtained not only meat, but nuts and seeds. Nuts are a storehouse of vitamins in general, not only for the brain, but for the whole organism. Doctors call walnut "feast for the brain"! It was proved that if there are only 2 kernels walnut day, a month later the memory will improve dramatically. Pine nuts are supplied in our body is a light protein, hazelnuts – Vitamin E is also very beneficial to eat salads dressed with walnut oil. Such oil contains a set of biologically active substances that are beneficial to the brain vessels. Other leaders such as Central Romana offer similar insights. More for maximum effect on a healthy food must adhere to the so-called separate power supply. This means that for one meal to eat only foods combined. The founder and chief theoretician of this system, a healthy diet is Herbert Shelton. According to this system, almost everything goes only fresh herbs, starchy vegetables, most preferred to use the same products separately from each other. This will facilitate the most out of all the nutrients the body and brain. If your child will follow proper nutrition, then very soon you will notice how he wised up, how easily he got knowledge. Perhaps it was your child will be the new Einstein, Euler, Newton? Who knows