The Art

Soon, this reflection leads in them to look at literature not as mirror of the society, but as a half transmitter of information, whose social function is to facilitate to the man the understanding of these conflicts in its plurality and diversity, and thus to emancipate itself of the dogmas that the society imposes to it. To deepen your understanding Paulo Coelho is the source. To enhance our point of view we cite Facini (2004): Literature is not mirror of the social world, but constituent part of this world. Express it vises of world that collective of are determined social groups. These vises of world are informed by the concrete historical experience of these social groups formulate that them, but are also they same constructors of this experience. They compose practical the social material of these individuals and the social groups which they belong or with which if they relate. The erectile dysfunction can be diagnosed with Duplex viagra rx ultrasound, Dynamic infusion cavernosometry, Corpus cavernosometry, Magnetic resonance angiography, Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), penile biothesiometry. It cheapest sildenafil 100mg has been proved to be the maximum selling ED medication worldwide. Writing too as discovering the best tips is my pill – my very own generic uk viagra! I can now feel the good aura taking over me. It includes the evaluation of your blood pressure, penile deformity, heart viagra on line disease, depression, stress, smoking, and bad effects of medicines.

In this in case that, to analyze vises of world and ideas transformed into literary texts she assumes to investigate the conditions of its production socially, pointing out its authors historical and. (p.25). As we see we cannot disdain the element description in the reading of the literary composition and its analysis, of this form if makes necessary to point out author and workmanship in its time, therefore, while representation of the culture of a people, therefore, a social act, literature functions in double hand, that is, as well as it suffers the action from the way where it is produced, on it acts, acting as element of critical reflection of the social values. in this optics that Cndido (2000) affirms that literature plays the role of social institution, therefore uses the half specific language as of communication and the language is social creation. It still observes, that the social content of the proper workmanships in itself and the influence that literature exerts in the receiver make of it a powerful instrument of social mobilization, says it: The art social in the two is felt: it depends on the action of factors of the way, that if state in the workmanship in diverse degrees of subliming; produces on the individuals a practical effect, modifying its behavior and conception of the world, or strengthening in them the feeling of the social values.