The Domestic

On the family, valley to cite the central paper that this institution possesss in the Brazilian society, according to Gomes: ' ' It (the family) represents for us the basic unit and ' ' natural' ' of society and, therefore, the obligator and primary unit of any form of aggregation. In other words, the family is the first totality from which, in the Brazilian society, we try the feeling of ' ' pertencimento' ' to the social body (GOMES, 1998, p.56) ' ' Thus, it is natural that, in the soap operas, the family occupies prominence place. As reflected of our Iberian inheritance, the Brazilian society faces the individualism as a danger in potential. According to Gomes, in the societies where the individualistic order if imposes, the conflict is seen as an inevitable ingredient and until indispensable, without which the proper idea of social order and politics (igualitarismo and democracy) becomes impensvel. In the Brazilian soap operas, however, the conflict always is seen as something ominous. When it cannot be prevented, must be lead for the only possible place for its resolution: the sphere of the private one, the domestic scope of the personal and familiar relations. levitra sale One needs to consult the doctor for medical intervention. Avoid taking the pills, if you are suffering from any kind of issues from these. online levitra It is important to ask buy viagra line for support if one is planning to quit without worrying about what people will say. The jelly viagra prices version of the product is restricted only for men where as the pills form of the medication can either be taken with a spoon or directly in your mouth. Thus, before individuals, the personages in conflicts always pertaining or are filiados the familiar groups, that serve as protection for the problems. In other words, in the Brazilian society, in contrast of the American, the conflict is disqualified as constituent of the public order.

In the private trams, the conflicts, had its fictitious and total dependent constitution of the will of the author and the public, can be solved in the end. Already the trams interlaced with the public questions, when transposing the debates politicians for the novel, make with that the reality of the subject if confuses with the fictitious personages. As consequence, reality and fiction if they mix through an unusual dialogue between two senators, the Real and the fictitious one, joined for fact to be fought for the agrarian question.