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The second problem arises when you assume, or they have said you, you need to obtain hundreds of thousands of impacts to make your site successful. This definitely is not true, the numbers do not mean quality, not imoprta what say you, this is a fact. Comparing a strategic alliance with a list of 10 thousand suscritptores with the payment of an advertisement on a bulletin board with 100mil suscritpores, I can assure of entry, that you’ll get more clicks through the Alliance strategic, but not only that, you also get as much a higher percentage of sales through a strategic alliance of quality. So, how to get more impact for your web site? Well, first that nothing the question makes no sense because it rarely more means that you’ll get better results. Search for quality, and the answer is a strategic alliance, build these resources, and make others to promote your products by rather high commissions to attract several of them. If you are only reaching some thousands of monthly impacts by these strategic alliances, this isn’t a problem, you’ll be getting quality impacts and that they will probably buy your product.

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